Friday, September 13, 2013

The Paper Chase

Felicity's Grand Finally
If your looking for consistently amazing acting, then "Felicity" is the show for you. Sadly the fourth was the last season of "Felicity" and thus the graduating season. Nonetheless, many fans would have loved to see Felicity's life unfold outside of collage. This season of Felicity deals with the hardships of commitment. Many characters this season deal commitment issues, such as relationships, education, and with following a particular career path. Most viewers would assume that by now Felicity would know exactly what it is that she's meant to do, and who she is meant to be with, however this is not the case. No show has come closer to displaying this sense of regret and uncertainty as "Felicity" does this season. Just because we get older doesn't mean we know everything. Felicity's confidence has grown with each passing season, but much of her season one and two uncertainties come back to haut her. So just when you the viewers think they know her, she does something completely out...

crash and burn
I am a big Felicity fan, but the Senior Year really hit a terrible wall. One of the creators admitted in interviews later that he had already moved on to Alias, and it shows. This is a mess. He and all the producers and writers should be ashamed to have let their fine project peter out like this. The scripts no longer make any sense. Characters act out-of-character, many things go unexplained, plotlines are dropped right and left, minor characters are played by the same person, and so on. Apparently, people at NYU have multiple jobs, working in the mailroom one month and in counseling the next, working in the health center one month and in the library the next. The producers can't even take the time to hire separate people to play these parts. But the worst is having Felicity copy her final paper and then be allowed to graduate. This after they had a show about cheating in season 2, making it a very big deal. Now, suddenly, there are no consequences. It is apparently OK to...

love it.
I've seen all the felicity episodes countless times. I think the season I get most involved in is the 1st and 3rd, but the senior year was good. If you enjoy her thought patterns and her indecision between ben and noel, this is a fun ending. Sometimes it's fun to go back to college with her. I personally never lived in a dorm, but this kinda lets you know what it was like, and also all the post-dorm, apartment living too.

I'll also comment that I think everyone on the show did great acting. Scott Speedman's portrayal of Ben is the hottest pain-in-the-ass with a heart who repeated screws up. Its so easy to sympatize with Scott Foley's character, Noel, and get frustrated with him every single time. Sometimes Felicity drives me crazy, but you can understand how she arrived at different conclusions time and again. And may I also say, Javier always adds the much needed dose of comedy, and most of the time steals the show. I love felicity, and I thought it was an awesome show.

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