4 1/2 stars for another fine film with rising star Brit Marling
I first caught actress and screenwriter Brit Marling in a movie called "Another Earth" from a couple years ago. Shortly thereafter she shows up in "Sound of My Voice." In both cases she plays quiet, thoughtful young women with complicated personalities. "The East" is her best role and her best film. She plays an FBI-trained agent who is working for a private security firm headed by Sharon (Patricia Clarkson), a no BS CEO.
Sarah/Jane is given the task of infiltrating an eco-terrorist group known as The East. This is a big step up in Sarah's career and she relishes the assignment. She's very good at her job and manages to get inside the secret group, which is headed by Benji (Alexander Skarsgard) an heir to a fortune, but ultimately disillusioned by corporate greed. Ellen Page plays Izzy and like Benji, she seeks payback for corporate atrocities is necessary even if lives are at stake.
While this sounds pretty cut and dry, Sarah using the alias Jane, begins...
Well worth watching
This was a nice surprise because we never saw previews. It had romance, feeling, suspense and action. the actors were phenomenal! I highly recommend it.
Please Listen.
I'm not a movie critic, so I don't know the technical operations of filming and I can guess that most people watching movies don't either. Therefore, this is simply based on my experience of seeing The East. I love a movie that can open a hole into my mind and inflict the question of how I am living my life- leaving me with a sting of the truth and the mixed feelings of someone who is on the brink of acting to correct those choices and someone who is unsure about leaving behind the comfort of what is familiar. Though the consistent opinions of this film not having a lot of action is true; it in no way lacks the reality that life does not happen in a constant motion, but draws in inconsistent flourishes- enhancing, for me, the ability to grow with the plot, as well as allowing me time to think about the overall picture. I got attached to the characters, felt their emotions, and could sympathize with their motives. Sure, it sucks when you have to buy a movie you aren't sure about, but I...
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