Repugnant Brats vs. Meaningful Sentiment
ST. ELMO'S FIRE is a thoroughly repugnant film. Demi Moore's character gives new meaning to the word "trash." Her mouth spews four letter words in gravely filthy foul tones that make the viewer squirm in disgust. Judd Nelson's character is a pathetic cardboard caricature of rage personified that Nelson seems to typify in all his roles. Emilio Estevez tries in his role, yet it is another role suited for his screen persona. Good to see Martin Balsam even though this is a throwaway role for him. Ally Sheedy once more wastes her talents in this mindless teenage romp trying to make the audience identify with them with some form of empathy. Andrew McCarthy character acts like an Andrew McCarthy clone. Rob Lowe's character and is the one saving grace of this film. Rob Lowe once again commands the screen with his distinctive presence as a man who has more going than meets the eye. Rob Lowe is excellent in this film. Mare Winningham gives her usual performance and it fits her character. Even...
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