THE PURGE--Not Quite A Masterpiece, But Good Enough For What It Tries To Do
The premise behind writer/director James DeMonaco's film THE PURGE is indeed a fantastic one: set in the year 2022, when unemployment nationwide is down to just one percent, and crimes across the board are at an all-time low. But what if the manner of getting it that was to allow a one-night "purge", in which violent behavior was actually sanctioned by the United States government, and largely to rid America of the poor and the indigent? It is a premise that may seem outrageous; but so too was the idea of a surveillance state as depicted in George Orwell's classic 1948 novel "1984"; and what has America become since 9/11 but a real-life surveillance state? Under the right circumstances, it is completely possible that something like THE PURGE might come to pass.
Ethan Hawke portrays a security systems designer whose entire neighborhood, located in the hills above West Los Angeles, owes its very security and safety to his security designs. It becomes especially important...
An intense, surprisingly well-executed film depicting a dystopia built on a foundation of an economy-fueling organized mayhem
The opening scenes introduce us to a dystopian futuristic America in which we have overcome staggering recessions, unemployment and crime rates. Everyone seems happy and at peace with the means that provide this thriving economy.
So what do they have to thank? The Purge. The Purge is a 12-hour period during which all crime is legal and all police, medical and emergency services are suspended. Radio and news casts bombard viewers with soma-popping Brave New World mantras about "unleashing the beast within" to "cleanse [or purge] our inherently violent nature."
What's most interesting about this society is that The Purge is embraced by most everyone. Sure, there are media debates on how The Purge "targets" the poor who can't afford to defend themselves, but even the wealthy--with their armored home security systems--socialize, talk about what they're doing during The Purge or "purge" together in hunting parties.
All of the pro-Purge political views...
Purge would make a GREAT Halloween movie.
I personally think this movie would have got better reviews and ratings if released close to or on Halloween day. Then, at least, people would be expecting something like this.
Our movie is set in the not so distant future where unemployment, crime, and poverty are at all time lows.
And our protagonists are an ordinary family:
*Hardworking dad bringing home the bacon.(He got wealthy as a home security system salesman)
*Stay at home mom who takes pride in her housekeeping. (And a nice house it is)
*Teenage daughter who is dating a boy her parents can not stand.
*Technology geek son.
But this one night is not ordinary. It is the one night of the year that all crimes are legal and all emergency services are off limits. Our family settles down for their lock down with their expensive security system. But at the last minute, a stranger gets in the house. The doors and windows are then secured. And then a group of "PURGERS" show up...
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