A hard-hitting subject!
Having been invited to watch this movie in it's first week at the local movie theater by the mom of one of the production crew, I was mostly accepting her invitation, to be a supportive friend & have some popcorn! A baseball movie doesn't sound very interesting! Even my teenage son declined to come, saying: "You lost me at 'Baseball'"
But I was taken into another world, starting with the FIRST scene: a painful flashback to a childhood trauma, then brought up to speed with the main character's life. At that point I was emotionally invested and completely engaged. Poignant soundtrack: I bought two songs for my itunes playlist. Deals head-on with some very tough subjects, and follows through on some realistic, genuine, and touching outcomes. "Life isn't perfect, but you need to step up to the plate and give it your best try." I want to get a copy of this movie and see it again!
Great story of surrender!
I enjoyed the movie and bought a license to show to our youth group. Invite the family and the community to hear and see what God can do when we surrender our struggles to Him.
A Truly Insightful Movie
HOME RUN is a well written powerful story about a baseball player named Cory Brand who had many challenges as a young boy growing up with a difficult father. He took those feelings of abandonment and disappointment into his adult life which led him to make choices which were not the best for him or his career.
Meeting the right people while coaching a little league baseball team in his home town helped him to learn to forgive, trust in God, and acknowledge his abuse of alcohol. He was able to then move on in his life which brought him love, acceptance, redemption, and hope.
It is a family movie but I am not sure young children will understand the major theme. I think watching it with older children, middle school and high school children could lead to a family discussion about the theme of the movie and the choices we make and consequences they have in our lives.
I feel it is a movie worth watching. It definitely has application to our lives...
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