These Are Some Folks Truly Dedicated To Scaring Others!
Halloween gets a bad rap. Sure, maybe it has some unfortunate relation to some pagan celebration or some such thing. And, yeah, maybe there's much ado about witches and ghosts and goblins and trolls and such. Still, more and more, adults are branching out into all witches' hallow (or is that hollow?), taking it over from the kiddies (to a degree) and turning it into an even bigger cause for celebration. This DVD from Apprehensive Films and explores the three levels of dedicated Halloweening homeowners: from display to haunted properties all the way up to full-fledged separate businesses.
HALLOWEEN HOME HAUNTS is a modestly produced documentary that explores some of the `why' and `how' folks are drawn to their particular fascinations with October 31. It goes into some detail on some of the more prolific decorators - explaining how they accomplish what they do in transforming their suburban lawns into wonderfully horrific displays of the Undead. In its...
Entertaining Documentary
If you live anywhere near civilization, you probably already know that Halloween, for some people, is as popular as Christmas. Some folks will go to great lengths and expense to turn their houses and property into graveyards, ghost-filled hospitals, haunted mine-shafts, and just about any other scary backdrop you can think of. These are the people that make Halloween fun for adults. In HALLOWEEN HOME HAUNTS, we get a closer look at a few of these `home-haunters', and we get to see firsthand how they put together their attractions.
My buddy Hayes over at Hayes Hudson's House of Horror is one of these home-haunters, although he doesn't take it to the extreme like some of the folks in this documentary. This group of people might be called obsessive, although the results of their passion can clearly be seen in the crowds they draw.
HALLOWEEN HOME HAUNTS is shot well and looks good onscreen. The format of the documentary is more of an interview-style than an...
Not what I was hoping for.
I first sumbled onto this film by seeing a trailer on YouTube and( then later heard it on Hauntcast). The trailer looked really promising so I ordered "Halloween Home Haunts"
I must say that I was really looking forward to this little indie film. But soon after the movie started my heart started to sink. The documentary has a host and he's in every scene during an interview. (It reminds me more of a local News Report interview than a documentary)
The interviews are sadly dull and boring due to the fact that it has really nothing to do with the hardship of setting up the haunt or the pressure to make a prop in time for the Holiday. It's just the person gloating over their Yard/Home Haunt. Then after the interview it show the haunt with no one in it. But the problem in showing to Haunt is whoever filmed the Haunts didn't keep a flow of continuity. In all of the Haunts I had no idea where props were in comparison to others. (I've seen people doing a quick run of their...
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