Wednesday, September 18, 2013

JFK 50 Year Commemorative Ultimate Collector's Edition (Blu-ray)

One of the Greatest Films of All Time
Films are not about facts as much as they are about emotions. By that standard, JFK is completely and utterly accurate. It is an intensely moving picture. The fact of the matter is, something about the JFK assassination didn't sit well with the American people. This film is a representation of that feeling, of that betrayal.

Let justice be done though the heavens fall.

Easily 5/5.

Magic Bullet
When will people realize there are no magic bullets ? Buy a physics book people. There was more than 1 shot. This was and is a major conspiracy covered up by the highest people in government and the CIA at the time. So many people who were witness to the event died before we could here there version or were never questioned. The Oswald did it, is a myth.

A Difficult Film To Watch
I've probably watched this film 200 times. The topic is the only 'coup d'etat' to date in American History: the assassination of Pres. John F. Kennedy in 5.6 seconds on Nov. 22, 1963. The scene was Elm Street near Houston in Dallas, Texas.

Oliver Stone, director and screenwriter, produced a film of unimaginable breath and depth. This lengthy film offers, among other details, virtually the entire 8-millimeter home movie by Abraham Zapruder of the last seconds of President Kennedy's life. The minutia in the film and script leave the viewer gasping.

I'm running thru 3 hours of drama regarding New Orleans District Attorney Garrison who painstakingly pursues every witness, many of whom died at the hands of seriously demented culprets. Stone suggests they were Military black ops trained in coup d'etats and subversion. At the end, Stone leaves us with the idea Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy who didn't fire a bullet on Nov. 22, 1963. Form your own opinion.


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