Thursday, September 19, 2013

Gothkill (VHS/DVD Combo Pack)

A guitarist's dream come true
This video is a must-have for rock guitarists and/or fans of classic rock guitar. It features such guitar greats as the late Randy California(formerly of the band Spirit), Robbie Kreiger (formerly of the Doors),Alvin Lee (formerly of Ten Years After) and others.If you love guitar, and want to see the techniques of some the best guitarists for yourself, this video is for you. I recommend it very highly.

Horrible Horror, Hilarious Comedy!
Ok, so I'm a fan of bad horror. Even still, this one had me laughing so hard my sides hurt. Bad acting, low budget, and such exagerate stereotypes you won't know if you should be mad, or laughing. I chose laughing!! For folks who like B horror, please check this one out. For those of you who are sensative to having your unofficial title of being 'Goth' being made fun of. Don't watch. At either rate, don't spend too much on this one. But it is definitely worth a look if you like laughing at B movies.

Soooo entertaining!!!
You might have to be from NY to really get the real humor in this flick.
But in the dungeons of most cities you do get to see these scenes and a bit more if youre in the know.
So what would happen if one of these so called Lords or Barons or Goddesses actually had some ancient truth come through them......
I suppose if you had an 'alteration' as I like to call might think you are the real thing.

if you like zombie guts and what not you wont really find it here.. though there is plenty of blood and fighting.
The acting abilities really range but its soooooo part of the flick and part of this alternative lifestyle that really does exist.
Some people take themselves wayyyyy to seriously and others just are in it for fun and fashion.

You will definitely laugh a lot. I really liked the writing...and the characters were real looking.
I hate films and tv where people look like models and so completely...

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