Man of Steel...
Let me say right away that I am fan, so if you imagine that there may be some bias about this film, you'll be right. As much as I enjoy the work done by Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan I am, first and foremost, a fan of Superman the character. Beyond the super powers and god like awe that surrounds the character, he is inherently a symbol for the potential good of the human race. He represents the best of both his worlds and acts as a guide for others. Superman is often referred to as the "constant boy scout". It's easier to understand when you truly see the kind of temperament and control he exhibits on a nearly constant basis. When faced with adversity how easy would it be for him to destroy his opponent in the blink of an eye, and yet he refrains from doing so. He is a symbol for all that we can achieve, good and bad. In some ways he is the embodiment of hope; hope for the future, hope for the world, and hope in our own personal lives. So, when I say that I am a fan I...
Nolan Plot and Snyder Action Makes for the Best Movie This Year
The "Man of Steel" movie is both action and plot heavy, dealing with complex spiritual issues as well as what it means to be human. On the other hand, the action is heavy-handed, with punches, bullets, and other weaponry being thrown at people on a regular basis. This combination of depth and intensity creates a powerful film, both visually as well as in theme. The performance of the story was breathtaking. As expected, the visuals were stunning; the special effects were phenomenally crisp and the scope of the camera was often wide, presenting the scenery itself as a spectacle. The acting was exceptional as well. Shannon's Zod was angry, driven, and resourceful, everything a good soldier is meant to be. His lines were powerful and his intentions and thoughts were practically visible on his face as he acted. Cavill's Superman also performed exceptionally. Each line was delivered with honesty to the character. His part was not really dialogue heavy, but his role was emotionally...
Man as a human, of Steel as a Hero
Good movie. It's not only about comic book heroes anymore. It's just like with Batman Begins. How would the real world deal to if aliens might finally be among us. Man of Steel is not about spandex heroes with superpowers any more. It's about humanity, power, responsibilty and how to deal with all of it. There is a lot to think and discuss about after watching this movie, and that's exactly what you do after you saw any good film that is not just a popcorn movie.
Now, how are the filmmakers going to up the ante for a sequel. Well, it is not about upping it anymore. To understand why, you must read this review from a clear perspective. This film, just like all of Nolan's previous ones, is not only about flashy visuals but more bout it's content and how we react to that content. That's why the Nolan - Snyder team up is the perfect marriage to present the new Man of Steel.
Clark Kent is what he is because of his alien heritage AND his parents rising. He's Clark...
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